This year, we are going to have two events again. One is the main festival – community style, so everyone coming can teach workshops, if they feel fit for it. The other is our post convention, which will be smaller, with a few selected teachers and workshops on a higher level.
Both festivals are already full – you can sign up for the waiting list though.
Main Festival: Oct 25th 17:00 to Oct 29th 16:00 (Euro 210,-)
Post Convention: Oct 30th 17:00 to Nov 2nd 16:00 (Euro 190,-)
Prices: We have to raise our prices again, as we would like to offer you the same quality of vegan food as all the years before and catering has gotten much more expensive. We go back to cafè Erde as a caterer, because they’ve always delivered high quality and tasty stuff. This year they will also deliver the breakfast. Also we wanted to adjust the payment for teachers to match the general increase of prices, so we didn’t see any other option than raising the ticket prices.
Soli tickets: There will be fixed allotment of 15 tickets with a lower price (165,-). We came up with this solution to help out people on a tight budget. Please register with the according link if you feel eligible – once these tickets are gone, they are gone.
Sponsor ticket: If you’re in a financially good position and you can pay 20,- to 30,- Euros on top of the regular price, please do that (register normally). We hope some people will do so to balance out the soli tickets.
Program Main Festival: The core activity of our main festival will be meeting people and training. There will be about 4-5 workshops per round to choose from (for all levels). We’ll have an open stage and maybe a walk through the city or a similar activity. Maybe we can also organize a sauna. There will be good vegan food included in the price and you have the option of camping in one of the classrooms for free (bring what you need and expect to stay in one room with up to 10 other people).
Teaching: Once you’ve registered, we’ll send you a form for signing up for teaching workshops. We’re happy about every new input from you, as long as you know what you’re doing and how to teach safely! You’ll get back 50,- Euros per workshop and person.
Program Post Convention:
Acro: Workshop round 1: 10:00 to 13:00, Workshop round 2: 17:00 to 20:00 – free training in between
You’ll have a choice between 2 workshops in each round with hand selected teachers (NO beginner workshops, all intermediate and advanced). First round Monday afternoon, last round Thursday morning.
Aerial: 1 workshop each day from 17:00 to 20:00
Note: There will be no food and no sleeping in the classrooms.
Refunds: Until September 15th we can refund the whole ticket price if you decide to cancel your registration for any reason. After that date there will be NO REFUNDS. You can though transfer your ticket to someone else. In this case: Please let us know (we need their name and e-mail-address!).
Registration: The festival and post convention are already full. Please write us a short e-mail with your full name and telephone number, if you want to be put on the waiting list for one of the events.
Food and accomodation: As every year, during the MAIN convention you can camp in the school (bring you own gear) and get full meals from (Thursday noon till Sunday noon). During the POST convention we DO NOT provide any food or accomodation.
Data Protection Statement
We only collect and use personal data in this form only for organizing this festival and sending you necessary information. By filling in the form you give your consent to this – you can take it back at any point in the future and we will erase your data immediately. Insofar as we obtain the consent of the data subject for the processing of personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) shall serve as the legal basis for the processing of personal data. The personal data of the data subject will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. Furthermore, data may be stored if this has been provided for by the European or national legislator in EU regulations, laws or other provisions to which the data controller is subject. The data will also be blocked or deleted if a storage period prescribed by the aforementioned standards expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the data for the conclusion or fulfilment of a contract.